

2024-08 : UrWaterS Lab members (Hyeonju, Eunpyo, and Prof. Yang)
visited Hydro-Climatology Research Group (led by Prof. Kam) at POSTECH for the 1st joint workshop
(Pohang, South Korea)

2024-06 : Hyeonju Kim, Prof. Yang, and Eunpyo Lee
attended the AOGS Annual Meeting
(Pyeongchang, South Korea)

2024-05 : Prof. Yang, Hyeonju Kim, and Eunpyo Lee
attended the KWRA Conference
(Jeju Island, South Korea).


2023-08 : Hyeonju Kim presented PhD research highlights on the Budyko framework application into a campus catchment at the 40th IAHR World Congress (Vienna, Austria)

2023-07 : Prof. Yang (first from left) gave a talk on adaptive river water management at the 28th IUGG (Berlin, Germany). Picture with SNU CEE Profs. Young-Oh Kim (middle) and Jin-Hwan Hwang (first from right).